Merry Christmas from the Lewa Children's Home
Hundreds of Orphans Were Helped

Monday, December 15, 2014

Merry Christmas from the Lewa Children's Home
Hundreds of Orphans Were Helped

Monday, December 15, 2014

Together We Helped Make a New Life for Hundreds of Orphaned and Abandoned Children During Our 2014 Fiscal Year. 

  • Please Give Today!107 orphaned and abandoned children lived in the Lewa Children’s Home where they received food, healthcare, an education, and a loving place to call home. (Kenya)
  • 74 orphaned and abandoned children have a place to call home where all their basic needs were met, giving them hope for a healthy future. (Zambia)
  • 400 children, most born with HIV, benefited from an orphan feeding program operated by Shinga Development Trust. (Zimbabwe)

Thanks to your generous support in the past, we have accomplished so much for the children of Africa, but the need to ensure our programs continue in the new year is still great.  

Please make your year-end tax-deductible gift for the hundreds of orphans we already help, and for those still in need.

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How to Help Orphans in Africa

How to Help Orphans in Africa

We’ve long heard about humanitarian crises on the continent of Africa and while many organizations have taken action to alleviate critical issues...

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