Our Partners
Bread and Water for Africa® works with our long-time partners in a dozen countries including Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Zambia, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of Chad, and Zimbabwe. We have full faith and trust in them as we work together for a single, common mission – to improve and enhance the lives of thousands of African children, women, and men who want nothing more in life than to be self-sufficient.
Working with our partners, we provide healthcare for the continent’s most vulnerable; infants and children under 5 and their mothers, orphans with no one to care for and love them, and parents struggling to provide the basic necessities.

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC):
Technologies Appropriées pour le Congo
Sierra Leone:
Faith Healing Development Organization
United Methodist Church of Sierra Leone
Rural Youth Development Organization
Sierra Leone Missions and Development