Setric was born in the Nairobi slum of Kibera in 2008, and dire poverty is all she has ever known in her 12 years of life.
But, despite all the challenges and roadblocks placed in her path due to the circumstances far beyond her control, the young girl on the verge of adulthood in just a few short years has hope for a brighter future because of the Seed School located in the slum which is enabling her to get an education, and Bread and Water for Africa® which is ensuring that she receives a healthy, filling meal twice a day every school day.
“A lover of science and creative arts,” is how Patrick Odongo, director of the Seed Foundation, which operates the school,describes the bright young lady. “Setric has shown a lot of passion in her studies, and she hopes to be a nurse to take care of the sick who will rely greatly on her help.”
Setric had hoped to graduate from the Seed School this year and continue her education into secondary school. Just as millions of schoolchildren in sub-Saharan Africa and around the world have had to hit the pause button on their education due to the global COVID-19 pandemic at this time, she has not given up her dream of becoming a nurse safe and secure in the knowledge that one day this will pass.
“We were optimistic that the pandemic ends soon [especially now with pharmaceutical companies announcing promising vaccines] and things normalize for children like Setric to be able to continue their education,” says Patrick.
“The members of the community who are located within the villages where the Seed Foundation operates our programs, such as the Seed School in Kibera, have been very much appreciative of the kind work we are undertaking,” says Patrick. “We thank the supporters of Bread and Water for Africa® for your support of our feeding program for the entire year.”