With more than 50% of Africans lacking access to modern healthcare facilities, the need for improvements in infrastructure and greater funding is clear. Sub-Saharan Africans spend an average of $106 per year on healthcare, meaning that those who do have access to care are still largely under-served.
Diseases that have been completely wiped out in the developed world — tuberculosis, polio and measles — kill thousands yearly, especially youth. Only with a healthy population can Africa reach its full potential as a flourishing and vibrant society.
In Sierra Leone, the mortality rates for children under five and mothers giving birth are the highest in the world, with measles, malaria, vitamin A deficiency and worm infestation remaining the biggest enemies of young children. Measles account for 48% of deaths from vaccine-preventable diseases while malaria accounts for 33% of deaths for all children under the age of five.
Bread and Water for Africa® is committed to providing adequate healthcare to the people of Africa. We are working with the Faith Healing Development Organization (FHDO) and the Ndegbormei Development Organization (NDO) in Sierra Leone, and the Kabwata Orphanage and Transit Centre in Zambia. We provide cash grants and donations of medicine, medical equipment and hygiene items to these partners to combat the healthcare crises in Africa.
Read more about learn more about our healthcare initiatives.