Chairman: Titus Korir
Location: Kericho, Kenya
Mission: To provide quality health services to community at an affordable cost.
The current needs at the
Bread and Water for Africa® to Join with Partner in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to Establish Mobile Clinic to Serve Pygmies and Others in Remote Regions
The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the largest country in sub-Saharan Africa, is endowed with exceptional natural resources, including minerals such as cobalt and copper, hydropower potential, significant arable land, immense biodiversity, and the world’s...
WASH Project Masanduko Primary to Soon Replace the ‘Bush’ for Students’ Personal Hygiene Needs
At the Masanduko Primary School, located in Masanduko Village in the Chikwawa District, Malawi, there are 499 girls, 496 boys and several staff members who are unable to use the school’s latrines which are severely damaged and very dangerous for use. Because of the...
“Eat, Grow and Study…” Bread and Water for Africa® School Feeding Program Helps Enable Hundreds Living in Kenyan Slum to Obtain an Education
For many impoverished children living in the Kenya slum of Nairobi known as Kibera, they are faced with an impossible choice – whether to take the opportunity to attend school, or to spend their days begging for shillings so they can eat. They understand that...