Water is Life – Bamboghera’s Story, Uganda – Bamboghera is now 30 years old with a wife and three children. His father died when he was young and his early life was difficult as there was little provision for his care and education. Water is Life – Bamboghera’s Story, Uganda – Bamboghera is now 30 years old with a wife and three children. His father died when he was young and his early life was difficult as there was little provision for his care and education. He would often do odd jobs at the World Harvest Mission compound and over the years various missionaries sponsored his education through secondary school.
I met him in 1995 at which time he began work with me on the water project. He has proved to be bright, eager to learn, honest, responsible, and hard working, and has been a great asset to the water project. In return he is grateful for the benefit he has received from the project. He expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to learn plumbing and general construction skills, to grow personally and spiritually, and to learn social skills as we address the community relations aspects of the project. He has enjoyed working with the many communities served by the water project and helped them to take ownership of the water resources and see that this project belongs to them.
As a user of the water supply, he can also speak on behalf of the community when he says the water has been a great benefit to their lives. It has greatly improved household health and sanitation and it is much easier to get water. Previously people would walk long distances and down steep valleys for spring water while many had no access to spring water and used polluted streams. Now the water is conveniently located near homes and everyone has access to safe water. This is a new technology, but now that it is available people greatly appreciate the service provided.
Over the past two years, Bamboghera went for a two year course in plumbing. He earned a certificate in plumbing and a driving permit. In addition to plumbing, the school also offered training in general construction and metal work. Since returning he has spent considerable time in the mission metal work shop. Some basic welding equipment was available, but very seldom used. It is now becoming a very productive workshop providing employment and services to the community.