
Hoping that on Mother's Day you'll be surrounded by love and caring equal to that which you so openly have extended to the children for so many years.  You are a very special lady who deserves to have a wonderful day! Our prayers continue to be with you. - Nancy S.

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Dear Phyllis, I truly believe you are an angel here on earth. The love that you have for the children is heart warming and inspiring. I admire your dedication to your children and to other families around Eldoret who benefit from your generosity of heart. Thank you...

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Phyllis, you are such an inspiration to me personally and mothers everywhere!  Thank you for your loving heart. - LHF

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Phyllis Received Mother’s Day Cards!

Phyllis Keino, mother to over 400 children since she first started her community outreach in 1964, received many messages for Mother's Day! Below are some of the wonderful messages she has already received... (mouse over a message to pause it){loadposition phyllis}

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Thank you for all of the wonderful work you do! You're an amazing person.  Happy Mother's Day! - Traci B.

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Dear Phyllis, You are such a great Mom to so many children (and adults) that it goes almost without saying that you truly deserve a special day of your own.  Maybe we could change Mother's Day to Phyllis Day because I'm sure you are one of the world's outstanding...

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