May News
COVID-19 Vaccination: Facing the 3rd Wave and The Unknown Next Waves in Africa
While we in the United States are seeing hope that the COVID-19 pandemic is waning throughout the country – particularly in states with high vaccination rates – sadly, that is not the case in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa. And today it is with heavy hearts that...
Bread and Water for Africa® Thanks Combined Federal Campaign Donors for Sponsoring Spring Protection Project in Uganda
On behalf of hundreds of residents of the small villages of Lukaaka and Mawonvu in central Uganda, we at Bread and Water for Africa® want to express our heartfelt gratitude to the federal employees who supported our spring protection program through their Combined...
Bread and Water for Africa® Supports Food Self-Sufficiency Agricultural Program to Help Ease Hunger Posed by COVID-19 in sub-Saharan Africa
If something works, such as how for years the Baraka Farm has been providing support to our longtime partner, the Lewa Children’s Home in Eldoret, Kenya (founded by our international spokesperson Phyllis Keino), we strive to replicate it elsewhere in the sub-Saharan...
Bread and Water for Africa® Orphan Care Programs Support Vulnerable Children and Youth in Sub-Saharan Africa
From the earliest days of Bread and Water for Africa® our primary focus has been providing safe, loving homes for thousands of orphaned and abandoned children in Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and most recently, Sierra Leone. Thanks to the supporters of Bread and Water for...