Watch how one woman's vision has improved the lives of and the future for so many children in Eldoret, Kenya. Phyllis Keino's unwavering dedication to the orphaned and abandoned children of Kenya has resulted in the creation of the The Lewa Children's Home for...
“Habari” (Greetings)!: Clips from the 2012 Annual Safari and Program Tour
{loadposition tour2012sm} {loadposition tour2012} On August 27th, our tour departed from Nairobi, Kenya for our first stop at the Treetops Hotel in the Aberdares Highland range where we were serenaded by a herd of 38 elephants at the water hole outside of our hotel...
Education is Especially Important for the Children of Lewa
The orphaned and abandoned children of Lewa Children's Home realize the importance of education. Kipkeino Primary School has long been supported by Bread and Water for Africa® and since it’s construction, it has earned a reputation for quality education, upstanding...
World AIDS Day: Helping Victims of Today and Preventing Victims of Tomorrow
A staggering 97% of those living with HIV/AIDS reside in low and middle income countries, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa ( In Zambia, 13.5% of adults are living with HIV/AIDS, the 6th highest rate of adults living with HIV/AIDS in the world...