Tanzania is an African country located between the continent's eastern and central regions. With a population of roughly 63.3 million people, it is one of the most populous countries in Africa. Tanzania has a diversified economy featuring both industry and...
Bread and Water for Africa® Working to ‘Accelerate Change’ for Thousands This Year Through Clean Water Projects
“Accelerating Change” is the theme of the United Nations’ World Water Day 2023, held annually on March 22 since 1993 to highlight the importance of fresh, clean water and its WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) goals for people throughout the world. At Bread and...
Bread and Water for Africa® Helping to Fight Deadly Cholera Outbreak in Malawi on Two Fronts
The headlines are disturbing and tragic: “Children face acute risk amid Malawi’s deadliest cholera outbreak” – The Guardian, March 10, 2023 “Malawi’s deadly cholera epidemic hits the poor hardest” – Reuters, March 9, 2023 And this from Rudolf Schwenk, UN Children’s...
Bread and Water for Africa® Strives to Break the ‘Vicious Cycle’ of Waterborne Disease and Death in Rural Democratic Republic of Congo Community
Through the internet, word of the accomplishments of Bread and Water for Africa® is spread to the four corners of the world. And that includes even the far reaches of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). A few months ago, Lucian Beele, executive director of the...
Bread and Water for Africa® Clean Water Development Projects Eliminate Risk of Illness and Death for Tens of Thousands More Year After Year
Since 1997, Bread and Water for Africa® has been working to provide people living in remote rural villages throughout sub-Saharan Africa with ready access to clean water for drinking, cooking, bathing, and washing, and saving them (especially young girls) with the...