Celebrating African Women’s Day: Lillian is a Survivor!
The 25-year-old woman from the small village of Gandorhun in Sierra Leone had just lost her husband when she learned she was pregnant and was struggling to care for her two children. “Life had become difficult for her as she also had to take care of her pregnancy,”...
COVID-19 Update: In Africa, Our Worst Fears Are Being Realized
It is what we have been fearing for months ever since the COVID-19 pandemic struck the world – the coronavirus virus making significant inroads into the African continent. “After months in which Africa escaped the worst of the coronavirus pandemic as the global center...
Nelson Mandela Day: We Celebrate His Legacy Everyday!
Photo caption Mr. Mandela with a child on his lap, talking to her. Taken during meetings about HIV/AIDS in November 2004. © NMF Photo/Oryx Media, Benny Gool. Today, July 18, we commend the United Nations for recognizing the life and legacy of South African freedom...
COVID-19 Challenges Continue to Plague African Countries, and Not Just the Virus Itself
Although the global coronavirus outbreak has not struck Sub-Saharan African countries like Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe as hard as the United States and Europe, the impact is still being felt. In Zimbabwe, Margaret Makambira, founder and director of the Lerato Children’s...
Water a Sustainer of Life! Harbu Clinic Water Well Project
The city of Harbu in rural Ethiopia is home to nearly 190,000 residents who survive by growing what they can — such as rice beans, peas and lentils — on their half hectare (about 1.2 acres) tract of land. Many also raise livestock including cattle, sheep, goats,...
Our Partner in Sierra Leone is Making Reusable Face Masks for Thousands to Help Contain Virus
Among our newest partners is the Rural Youth Development Organization Sierra Leone (RYDO-SL) which has been serving impoverished communities in the Bumpe Ngao Chiefdom of the Bo District in the country, including operating a health clinic and pharmacy in the village...
Heroes are Everywhere; Nurse Elizabeth Koroma Fought a Good Fight
Photo Caption Nurse Koroma is pictured second from left in the pink and white dress. Elizabeth Koroma is among those selfless and dedicated healthcare workers around the world fighting the coronavirus who surely deserve the title of “hero.” Elizabeth was not only a...